
At a meeting of the Registrars in May 2007 it was agreed to expand the MCR to include an archive; thus the name change to Mendip Cave Registry and Archive.

The archive aims to provide a free digital information resource for cavers covering photographs, postcards, log books and publications.

The MCRA is gathering a collection of films relating to caving on Mendip, and where possible these will be placed online via YouTube. Visit MCRA FILMS to view the current collection - 12 on-line

Read more details about the films available.

A database of photographs and postcards catalogued by the MCRA, with low resolution preview images, is available for browsing and searching at the MCRA Photo Archive web page.

These images are free for cavers to use in publications or on web sites, providing the photographer and MCRA are acknowledged. It is requested that if a photograph or postcard image is used on a web site there is a link inserted to

If a high quality image is required forward an e-mail to the Archivist (p.stillman [at] mcra . org . uk ) specifying the image reference number and a high resolution image will be returned by e-mail.

An additional collection of images is also available on our MCRA Companion Photo Archive.

A growing photographic record collection of caving log books and club publications is available in the MCRA Logbooks Gallery. Electronic versions of some archive caving publications are also available.

If you have material you would like to contribute to the archive and make available for download please contact the MCRA.

Survey Data continues to be added to, with the resurveying of known caves and the discovery of new. Also older data, mainly from note and log books (also archived on this site) are been transcribed so that modern software can be used to view the data in a whole new light. The MCRA has initiated a Version Control System to track the changes in the data while maintaining an archive of the data. This Cave Data Archive is for all data collected by BCA affiliated clubs. The MCRA is grateful for the support of the Cave Surveying Group and BCA in helping to set up and maintain the site.

Downloads of catalogues of ephemera and postcards that relate to Mendip.

Artwork relating to Mendip

  • archive/start.txt
  • Last modified: 07 Feb 2022 19:36
  • by matt